Fiduciaries Really Need to be Experts
Plan sponsors need to re-calibrate their fiduciary obligations with respect to their retirement plans. They have to ask hard questions. Do they have the relevant expertise to fulfill these roles? Do they understand the “business” of maintaining and administering plans? And, finally, do they want to devote time and resources to this responsibility?
In reality, most plan sponsors are too busy executing on their business strategy to worry about fiduciary matters. And, this is the way it should be. Typically, HR and finance staff members oversee the plans and identify policies, procedures and vendors — all to be rubber-stamped by high-level corporate committees.
This model is old-school, is broken, and must be fixed. A recent appellate court case, in the 7th Circuit, is bringing these issues into sharp focus. Plan Sponsors need to pay attention.
The volume and sophistication of ERISA class action lawsuits has grown significantly over the past decade. Until this April, however, plan sponsors and retirement plan service providers have largely successfully defended against this onslaught. This has been good news for fiduciaries.
In April, however, the 7th Circuit, previously a defendant-friendly court, handed plan sponsors and fiduciaries, a very serious set back. In a class action suit against Kraft Foods, the court did not dismiss the case, but instead sent it back to the district court to determine whether the plan sponsor, Kraft, breached its fiduciary duty to the participants.
This holding is a nightmare for plans sponsors and corporate fiduciaries. No fiduciary wants a trial court to determine whether it’s acts or omissions satisfied the fiduciary standards of ERISA. Likely the insurance companies will settle.
Nonetheless, this case goes to the heart of the critical importance of fiduciary processes. With respect to a company stock fund, the court questioned whether the fiduciaries ever examined the operational structure of the fund and balanced the relative merits and drawbacks of different structures. Furthermore, a question was raised as to whether Kraft ever reached an affirmative decision supporting one structure over another. Surprisingly, no documentation was submitted which would support that a decision had, in fact, been made.
In addition, the court was not comfortable with Kraft’s 10 year relationship with its record-keeper. Although consultants had advised that the recordkeeping fees were reasonable, the court was critical that third party bids were not obtained and used for comparison purposes. Maybe the court just thought that the relationship was too cozy.
At a minimum, this case indicates that fiduciaries must develop a sophisticated understanding of the technical intricacies of the mutual fund, recordkeeping, and fund administration businesses. Relying on consultants is not good enough. Instead, fiduciaries must dig into the weeds, compare and assess the merits, deficiencies and costs of various service delivery models.
Plan Sponsors need to focus on capturing their own target markets, developing products, satisfying customer needs and growing their earnings. Why should they be bothered with this stuff? It can be a nuisance.
As stated in the title of this posting, fiduciary oversight is not a part time job. There is significant subject matter and procedural expertise required in discharging fiduciary responsibilities. Plan Sponsors should recognize the professional skill set required to serve as a fiduciary, and acknowledge that it is not in their interest to develop or maintain this expertise in house. Plan Sponsors, as well as participants and beneficiaries would be best served by hiring expert Independent fiduciaries to oversee the plans.