A Never Ending Source of Fees for the Pension Industrial Complex

Roger Lowenstein refers to our public pension system as The Great American Ponzi Scheme.  While supportive of the policy needs to provide pensions to public workers, I suspect that he comes to his Ponzi Scheme conclusion because of the vast gaps in funding of many state and municipal plans. Many current retirees enjoy healthy payments, while the system remains significantly underfunded.  A little bit like the Madoff investors who took out big returns as other investors were making additional contributions.

With respect to the funding issues, Lowenstein is right on point.  And, the funding issue is probably the biggest challenge facing the public system.  However, Lowenstein overlooks another critical dynamic of the pension system; that is, the investment of retirement assets and the fees paid to all of the various vendors.  Again, in the aggregate, the funding issue looms larger.  But, every dollar paid to a vendor is one less retirement dollar paid to retirees.  Research shows that these fees have a significant impact on investment returns.

If the funding system is a ponzi scheme, then the investment process for public plans is also, in many cases, a sham of another sort.

Last spring I spoke about fiduciary matters at a conference sponsored at Harvard Law School for trustees of public pension plans. The vast majority of the participants were policeman, fireman, teachers and other public employees who serve as trustees for the their retirement plans.  After spending a day working in small workout groups with the conference participants, I was struck by two significant insights:  1) the vast majority of these trustees are earnest and take their responsibilities very seriously and 2) notwithstanding this earnestness, they are no match for Wall Street.

I suspect that for some of these trustees, their formal education may have stopped at high school.  And particularly for teachers, their college careers were directed to towards degrees in education.  In contrast, the investment management industry is filled with algorithm yielding MBA’s and finance PhD’s from Ivy League schools.  In fact, one session of the conference was devoted to a liability-matching strategy so loaded with math and investment jargon that I’m convinced that my CFA partners would have been challenged to translate the strategy so that I could digest it.

This is not the exception, but the rule.  Investment concepts and the intricacies of investment products have become so extraordinarily complicated that even the best intention plan trustee cannot understand the fundamentals.   And yet, public funds continue to direct assets to the latest hedge fund or strategy pumped out by the investment management industry.

Sanity must be injected into the system.  Not only are public pension funds under funded but,  their assets no doubt are invested in expensive products, the majority of which produce average returns.  The math is not good.   Average returns and high expenses mean overall lower returns for retirees.

For the past 20 years the investment industry has fed at the trough of the $ trillions held by public pension plans.  The industry has profited beyond its wildest dreams.  Unfortunately, the retirees have not been so fortunate.

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